Check Who Is domain or IP address

Every domain registered or IP address has a owner details registered by the InterNIC. When you want to know who is the owner of a domain name or IP address. You can use this tool to get the owner details. Please note that some domain names does not reveal the owner details due to privacy policy. Those domain owners cannot be known with the help of this tool but will show you the registar of the domain name.

Registrant is the owner of the domain name and registar is the one who holds the registrants records. In certain cases you can always contact the registar to get further details of domain owners like who is the registrant or registered domain owner.

Whois is a query tool that uses response protocol that queries the databases of InterNIC and fetches the registrant of the domain name or Ip address along with the registrants contact details. Moreover it also display the details of the name server, record creation date and expiration date of the queried domain name.

Check who is domain or ip address below